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This is a consent form for eyelash extensions. You MUST complete this form if you booked an eyelash extension service.

I agree to have eyelash extensions applied to my natural eyelashes and/or removed and retouched. By signing this agreement, I consent to the placement and/or removal of the eyelash extensions by the technician

I understand that in rare occasions there are risks associated with having artificial eyelashes and eyelash extensions applied to or removed from my natural eyelashes. I further understand that in rare cases as part of the procedure eye irritation and discomfort could occur. I agree that if I experience any of these conditions with my lashes that I will contact the technician that performed this procedure and it may be beneficial to have the eyelashes removed.

I understand that I have been offered the opportunity to have a patch test of the products being used and have decided to go ahead with the following treatment without the patch test. I accept full responsibility for any reaction which might occur.

I understand the possibility of an allergic reaction, which I will not hold my lash artist responsible for. In the event of an allergic reaction, I understand I will not be given a refund due to the service being completed. I understand and agree that if I experience any of these issues with my lashes that I will contact my technician and have the eyelashes removed immediately and consult a physician at my own expense.

I understand that there are absolutely no refunds.

I understand that lash extensions are not permanent. I will need regular fills to keep them looking their best. I understand that my lashes shed naturally and my extensions will also shed with them. It is normal to lose 1-5 lashes a day per eye.

I understand and agree to the after-care instructions provided by the technician for the use and care of my eyelash extensions. I realise and accept the consequences of failure to adhere to these instructions may cause the eyelash extensions to fall out and/or decrease the time the lashes will last.

I understand and consent to having my eyes closed and covered for the duration of approximately 60-120 minute procedure. Times may vary depending on the type and number of eyelashes applied.

I agree to the following eyelash extension follow-up and maintenance instructions:

  • No waterproof mascara
  • No oil based products around the eye area
  • No water can come in contact with the eye area for 24 hours after the application
  • No tinting or perming of eyelash extensions
  • No pulling or rubbing of the eyelash extensions
  • Should any kind of eye drops be necessary extra care should be taken to prevent moisture from coming into contact with the eyelash extensions

This agreement will remain in effect for this procedure and all future follow-ups conducted by the technician. I read English and understand that this consent agreement is legal and binding. I have read and fully understand all information in this agreement. I am over 18 years of age and consent to the agreement and to the eyelash extension application procedure.